Fans troubleshooting & Tips

Q1: What should be the height of ceiling fans from the floor ?
A1: Minimum distance between ceiling fan and floor should be 2.3 Mtrs ( Approx 7.5 Ft.).

Q2: What should be the distance between ceiling and ceiling fan ?
A2: Minimum distance between ceiling or a projecting beam & ceiling fan blades should be 0.25 Mtrs ( Approx 9.5 Inches )

Q3: What should be the distance between ceiling fan and nearest wall ?
A3: Horizontal distance between ceiling fan blade tip & nearest wall should be 0.5times the fan size.

Q4: What should be the clearance between two nearest fans, if more than one fan are to required in a hall?
A4: Minimum clearance between two consecutive fan hooks should be twice the fan size to be fitted.

Q5: What is fan size ?
A5: Fan size is the diameter of a circle traced by fan blades, while rotating.

Q6: What are the standard sizes ?
A6: Standard sizes available in market are 600mm, 750mm, 900mm, 1050mm, 1200mm, 1400mm, and 1500mm

Q7: What is the air delivery ?
A7: Air delivery is the volume of air pushed by the ceiling fan under test conditions as prescribed in IS 374.

Q8: What is the efficiency of the ceiling fan?
A8: Efficiency of a ceiling fan is a ratio of air delivered by fan in Cubic Mtrs Per Minute and electrical power input in Watts, when fan is operated at rated voltage. (This is also known as a ?service value? of a fan ).

Q9:What is rated voltage?
A9: Rated voltage is the voltage written on the rating plate of the fan.( and is normally equal to the supply voltage available in the house )

Q10: Why all ceiling fans have three blades?
A10: Minimum three blades are required to take care of uniform air-flow and aesthetics simultaneously.

Q11: Does four blade fan have more air delivery than three blades ?
A11: For some makes of fan it is more, for others it is same as three blade fans.

Q12: Does wider blade contribute to more air delivery ?
A12: Not necessarily

Q13: Does a fan consume same power at all speed-positions ?
A13: No, at low speeds total power consumed by the fan ( including the power consumed by the regulator ) is lower than that at high speeds.

Q14 : Does change of capacitor to higher value improve the performance of the fan.
A14: It may increase the speed marginally, however power consumption also goes up resulting in reduced efficiency and reduced motor life.

Q15: Can one use an electronic speed controller with a given fan ?
A15 : It is not advisable to use electronic controller available in market ( unless the fan manufacturer recommends to do so ) as majority of them generate humming noise in the fan at low speeds. It also affects the life of a capacitor in the fan.

Q16 : How do I select the size of the fan?
A16: Following are the recommended sizes


Area of the Room in square meters
Recommended fan size
Small shops, cabins having low ceilings
5 to 7
7 to 10
1050 mm
10 to 12
1200 mm
12 to 14
1400 mm
14 to 17
1500 mm
For halls, offices & auditoriums
More number of ceiling fans are selected from above sizes considering even distribution of air in the premises
It is assumed rooms are square. In case, length to width ratio is more than 1.7, select fan size considering width and put more fans.

Table, Pedestal, Wall Fans

Q1: Does four blade table fan give more air than a three blade fan ?
A1: Not necessarily ( In fact the air deliveries of table fans can be perceived at the sales counter )

Q2: Do Table, Wall & Pedestal fans require frequent lubrication?
A2: Almost all fans in this category use Bush-Bearings which need lubrication. Every manufacturer gives the details of type & quantity of lubricant to be used.

Q3: Is a plastic fan less durable than a metal fan ?
A3 : No

Q4: What are the specific benefits of TPW fans over the ceiling fans?
A4: All TPW fans give high air velocity as compared to ceiling fans, which give faster relief in summer. Portability of Table & Pedestal fan is another advantage over the ceiling fan. They cover larger area due to oscillating mechanism and have an advantage of personalized fans in non-oscillating mode.

Q5 : Why there are only three speeds for TPW fans while Ceiling fans have five?
A5: All fan manufacturers follow relevant Indian Standards for basic-construction & test procedures of the fans. IS stipulates three speeds for TPW fans.


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