Juicer Mixer & Grinders : Troubleshooting

Ques My Mixer Grinder is not working?
Ans There is a overload protection switch underneath or on the side of mixer grinder. Make sure that the button is not tripped. Simply press the red button to restart you Mixer Grinder.
Ques Which jar should I use for Mixing and Grinding?
Ans Usually the Big size jar is used for Blending i.e for Liquid items like milk shakes,Lassi etc.
  The medium or the smaller jar usually made of steel is used for Grinding i.e for masala.
  If you purchased a 3jar mixer grinder , The 3rd or the smallest jar is used for making chutney.
Ques On which speed should I use JMG to take juice?
Ans It is advisable to take juice on the low speed only that will maximize your yeild.
Ques The blades of my Blending jar & Grinding Jar got jammed why & how should I prevent it from getting jammed?
Ans Jars for which pupose they are ment should be used only like Blending jar should only be used for blending and grinding only for grinding otherwise the blades might get jammed another way to prevent jamming of jars is to keep jar upside down after washing.
Ques Orange juice does not taste good as seeds gets crushed ,what should i do?
Ans A simple way to avoid getting seeds crushed while extrating juices of citrus fruits is NOT to use PUSHER and put fruits piece by piece.The seeds gets bounced off in the waste bucket or outside thus preventing them to get crushed.


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