KX 1800

KTX 2500

Ideal For:

Shrink wrapping & Sealing products (Like Sweets boxs & other presentable items)

Stripping Paint

Loosing rusted Nuts & Bolts

Thawing pipes




Note: Do not use the machine at long strechs as it may get overheated however it will automatically shut down when overheated, in such a situation wait for sometime and then try again.
Warning: This is not a hair dryer & should not at any time be used on skin or any body parts.
Note: warranty of the heat gun does not cover elements, therefore while using the machine remeber to take breaks in between.

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  6504, Fatehpuri
  Chandni Chowk,
  Delhi - 110006
Tel: 9899665557
Time: 11am - 8pm
    (Mon - Sat)
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